A Love Letter For Kakoune

Posted on November 1, 2023

This post is about my text editor bliss.

My text editor bliss has slowly deepened and settled after a long tumultuous period of experimentation and exploration.

My journey began like so many others, stuck in a terminal on a server with Nano.

The faint whispers of vim in the distance pulling me in followed by the sudden ecstatic rush of learning Vim along with other Unix tools and the slow realization that maybe the text-only world of the command line is a digital home.

Suddenly, a coworker shows what they can do with Emacs and all sanity is lost as I feverishly try to do truly everything I do on a computer in Emacs. Orgmode and its promises for organization, note taking, and Jupyter Notebook replacement capture my heart so tightly that I am yet to get it back.

This fever dream glitches, and jitters in university as my duo core laptop struggles to run my emacs empire. As the lag tears through the fabric of my evil emacs dream I see kakoune in the distance.

A shining promise of faster, more orthogonal text editing with built-in multiple cursors. A promise to return to the days of the terminal and the composition of small fast programs that can be swapped out for my new favourite toy. A rush as I fuzzy find my way into object first editing and never want to leave.

Slowly the cold sets in as I look back at orgmode and its sweet Jupyter Notebook promises. Lighting strikes regularly with flashes of Meow and Kakoune.el, they light up the forest with straight.el.

However, the light always fades back to the crisp editing experience of Kakoune. A distant cousin Helix comes to visit but never joins to walk down the winding path.

While I wasn’t paying attention Kakoune has settled in.